Custom server Tool

Please add a tool to the Minecraft Hot Bar when we join to create a custom server like to add friends, part, etc. It will be more easy to the YouTubers and the HIVE PLUS members to create a custom server. There is no way to create a custom server other than typing /cs or /customserver on the chat. So, If you add a feature to just click the thing to create one. It will more helpful.

Thank you.

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be sure to vote for your own suggestion.

Maybe it would be a clock

I think this could be a good idea. If you added to the party item you could maybe have an option to make a cs.

It is a quite good suggestion that’s probably been suggested before. Or was it a custom server NPC?

Let me check.

Aha! Found it.

Custom Server Item for Hive+ and trial for Regular players

Oh and the trial thing doesn’t apply anymore. Be sure to check out the original topic.

As for the idea, it would be quite good for console players (PS/Xbox [not switch because touch screen]) as it takes forever to say something in chat on those platforms.

Closed as this is a duplicate suggestion.