If you’ve ever watched a Hive player stream, either on Twitch, Youtube, or anything else, they’ve probably done custom servers. Sometimes when they generate the access code, it’ll have lowercase L’s, or uppercase i’s. I suggest that codes should not have i’s or L’s. That’s about it. It’s a small thing but its super annoying.
You can change it using a texture pack, since it part of the default Minecraft texture pack
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Some people can’t use texture packs though.
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Some people like the default texture.
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Eh, I’ll vote for it anyway
I don’t want to pay $2872727 to fix 2 letters. Sorry.
Well there are free texture packs (nearly all of them)
console players: Am I a joke to you?
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most streamers seem to be pc, so if the streamer changes packs, then everyone can see it pretty easily.
i’m pretty sure this was added.
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We have implemented a feature that prevents similar letters from being in invite codes