I think it would be a cool feature if you can unlock new death effects. You would be able to unlock new colors and maybe some special effects. Obviously, they can’t be too large, so they aren’t distracting from other players gameplay, but maybe a firework can shoot up and explode. Or a bird with a rainbow trail behind it can fly up, do a loop, and then turn to fly away.
If you have any other ideas for death effects, leave them in the comments! Anyway, that’s it for now, see ya :))
Aw come on you stole my idea when I was reading this
Yes it’s a good idea but I was thinking don’t make it too big coz if some1 dies right in front of you it’ll be very distracting and you could potentially die.
This actually seems like a good idea and I like the fact that you considered the death pillars not to be too large so it doesn’t distract other players. Anyway, this would be a cool idea so I definitely voted.