CTF with kits

Basically just every team base shooter games but in Minecraft or just tf2 in Minecraft.

Like, a kit for defenders,gives you full iron armors at the start and absorption but slower and weaker than other kits

Or a kit for rushers,give you speed berry at the start of the game and doesn’t slow you down when carrying a flag but less health and weaker than other kits

Maybe a kit for support,like being able to hinder the enemies team and support your own team

And a kit for attackers,give diamond swords at the start and give strength effect when health is less than half

Welcome to the forums @SheepGuyNo9 !

I don’t know… CTF kits sounds a bit odd, but I like the idea!

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I mean, I think if done right, a kits mode would work well with CTF to make games more interesting. (Also, if you’re reading this Hive, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT ADD A SNOWBALL OR ENDER PEARL KIT!)


I agree with this.

I think kits would actually work very well! maybe there could even be a kit that gives you a bomb at the start of the game but gives you blindness when holding the flag.