CTF Game Ending

Affected Language:
Spanish (Both Spain and LA)

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Capture the flag on all regions

Affected Text:
El equipo rojo/azul gana

Suggested Text:
El equipo rojo/azul ganan

Explanation of Issue:
The Spanish conjunction of a word being described as a they or you all would have an en or an at the end. Since the word gana in this case is describing the entire red or blue team, making it a they, the proper grammatical term in this case would be ganan.
Example: Red team wins, They Win! ; El equipo rojo ganan, Ellos ganan

Screenshots and/or video:

Thanks for submitting a suggested change for our translations!

After discussing your idea with our translators, we have decided to keep the current string as it is, as it is an accurate translation of the English text.

With that said, I have gone ahead and fixed the incorrect coloring at the start of the sentence.