CTF ender map

a map for CTF that contains End stone and chorus fruit and other end sttuff


I mean there’s one with Purpur and Chorus fruit

Yeah, purpur blocks come from the end and so does chorus fruit

Yeah but just because there’s a block from the end doesn’t mean that it’s end theme

Like come on man it’s basic common sense


Bruh, ok chill

isn’t this just Oryx?

Nah oryx is this oldblackstonecastlefortbasethingy

cool sugesstion :beedance: :beedance: :beedance: :beedance: :beedance: :beedance: :beedance: :beedance: :beedance: :beedance: :beedance: :beedance:

they need more themes for sure

a bastion?

True and real