CS Suggestion - DeathRun leap cooldown at end of run

Heyo, so several months ago I messaged Splodger on discord and requested that in custom servers, the leap cooldown setting be repeated in chat upon finishing your run.

It’s an odd request, but the reasoning is to make submissions to speedrun.com easier to verify for legitimacy purposes. I could go into more detail but I will spare you the time unless you ask me.

Anyways, Splodger has approved this request (see screenshot below) but I have not seen it added to custom servers yet. This is 100% fine, I know custom servers is still in a beta stage, but was just curious if it’s still being worked on or was unintentionally forgotten. This would be a simple yet very useful addition for our small speedrun community.

EDIT: In case anyone is confused, here is an example of what I’m describing it could look like

i wont ever need this because my pbs with 0 leap cooldowns are somehow worse than my ones with normal lol, but i can see why this would be useful!

Bump because it’s very annoying for mobile users. In fact, they need to record the whole chat in order to have a valid proof of the leap cooldown. On PC, the chat is smaller so you can see the whole chat messages.

I have to record my chat wih my poor iPad recorder, that can crash at anytime (happened once when I had a PB :crying_cat_face:) and it’s not very convenient.

Also, mabybe on the podiums, when you get teleported during the end of the game, the leap cooldown could also be indicated next to the time !

Very nice idea as always :heart:

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sir found a way which i pinched:

you do all your settings at the start (including setting the cooldown as default, then when you finish you go into the end game lobby. Once there you position yourself so that your podium ppears at the top right of your screen and then you open chat and scroll up to where it said the settings. You should now be able to see both the time and the settings. From here you just need to take a screenshot!

if you’re confused i can send an image on discord

Nah I understand man, but I think this technique has flaws.

Like you can’t see which map you did.

You could have just scrolled higher, while still being near the podium.
Eg : You get a 54:00:000 on Prison, which is quite bad, but then you scroll a bit so that it shows the map « Toys ».

You can just fake it and pretend you did it on Toys, but you did it on Prison. Just realized you need to show the whole thing but I think it’s not 100% legit to use this technique


when i do a cs i usually choose a map so the map i just ran appears in the settings

Well yeah that is what he said but you can scroll further up to another map that you didn’t play just now but the round before, so you can submit a time of a different map


fair enough yeah