Costume NPCs Should Perform an Emote When Bought

When you purchase a costume by clicking on one of the NPCs near spawn or in the monthly quest store, they should perform a random positive emote. I’m not sure if the server logs what NPC you clicked on when opening the GUI so this might only be possible for the monthly quest shop, but it’s a cool idea anyway :slight_smile:

Maybe also have the quest master perform an emote when you turn in a quest?

And maybe he waves you goodbye after selecting quest?

Maybe also stop using progressively small text


i like this idea
i rlly like this idea
like rlly rlly like this idea
so much that i actually voted for it!
like i legit voted for it omg
yay i voted for it!
can u even read this lmao?
hey if u read this then you’re awesome
like rlly awesome
u want 10K?
here take my 10K
also here’s a cookie
just take it!
anyways cya!


OMG YES like how the santa did a celebrate


doesn’t have benefits or whatsoever but definitely a cool feature


That would look :sunglasses:

But Just like what 0mega said…

It doesn’t have any benefits…

So it’s kinda Unnecessary

They should probably leave it to the end


Really cool idea!
If not add emotes atleast add the poses like how game npcs have!

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can i has one too