Cosmetics on the hive?

I think we all would love it, if you could unlock capes or stuff like you can in death run but you can use them everywhere. Either buy them with minecoins or unlocking by getting a certain level in a certain game mode. That would be nice.

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Welcome to the forums @VinVel01098998 :wave:
Please do consider to search your topic first considering cape suggestions are already suggested many times around the forum. Have fun on forums :grinning:

Welcome to the forums @VinVel01098998 :wave: :beedance:
This suggestion is already suggested as @MasterJim7930 said.

Here is one of the suggestions but please do not bump into this old post exept if you have something important to tell.
Make sure you use the :mag: tool before creating another topic to avoid dupes.

Happy Hiving! :wave:

Duplicate suggestion