"Copy to Clipboard" Button In Replay


I was recently report a player, and I thought it would be a better idea to just give the mods the whole replay instead of having to record each time they did a hack/cheat. I came to realize that it is rather annoying to type the numbers and letters from the ID (yes I know that they made it like, “SuperCat1735” or something like that, but sometimes I log out after the game (logging out doesn’t save the simplified ID)).

I thought it would be a good idea to have a “Copy” or “Copy to Clipboard” button in the compass menu of the replay. This would make it easier to copy and paste IDs for reporting, showing to your friends, or to save for later.

I think this would be a helpful feature and a quality of life feature. Okay, thats all I got for now, thanks for reading!


maybe when you do /replay it automatically save the code into the clipboard

or while you are in a game with a cheater do /replay and take a screenshot of the replay id and the name of the cheater