Control Valley gate with an arrow

Change Valley’s gate lever to a button that can also be activated with arrows

That simple. A nice little feature. You can see an example below:

Very nice idea! It would make gameplay so much better! :smile:


I’m neutral about whether this gets added or not, so I’m just gonna vote.

Not a bad idea they should be able to be opened from the side they were closed from though to avoid stalemates where you just wait for the gates to open

That’s a whole different idea and unrelated to what I’m suggesting. I’d recommend making a new post!

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Pretty good idea, though I don’t see really a reason behind it. still, I Voted.

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Reason behind it: It’s a small change that would make the map way more fun to play.


Seems like you could use this while chasing someone with the flag to block them off while behind them, fundamentally altering gameplay without giving a realistic reason as to why this should be implemented, Is there any specific way this would improve gameplay?


The gate looks awfully similar to mclegends gate…

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bro’s always opposing ideas, regardless, do you know how hard it is to actually hit a button while at a distance? especially while under pressure? That’s what makes it fun.

Right now, you can still activate the gates while IN spectator mode, bro is worrying about the wrong thing here.

With the map Valley, gameplay isn’t very challenging. For example, right now if the opposing team grabs the flag all they have to do it flick the lever and they get that point easy. With this, it can make the game much more interesting. Imagine the opposing team has your flag and you can’t do anything due to the team almost being at the gate. If this was implemented you could try to hit a shot at the button and block them from escaping. Thus, this would change the gameplay on this map. This would be so cool, I don’t necessarily see any reason NOT to add it. Hope this answers your question!


There’s just one. more. thing… would that be too op?

How is it OP when you will miss 99% of the times, have you seen how small buttons are?

People are good enough to shoot the button consistently, thats not a valid argument, However, even if the gate is closed on you you still have options (building up, mostly) so I’m not against it. It also makes the gate less op because it balances it.

This would make valley unique but interesting, whereas right now valley is just the map with the annoying gate. I’d be willing to try it out to see how it goes, the gate definitely needs changing and this could help that.

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So people are good enough to shoot a .2 x .5 button from a distance but not good enough to block arrows? You’re contradicting everything you’ve said before :sob:

Explain how one can

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Didn’t I explain it? Using 2 blocks I front of the shooter to block the arrow. It’s weird Ik.

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How do you block arrows without superhuman reflexes that only Quicksilver from the X-Men has?

You can strafe round them, block them off, bow them too. It’s weird, but still you can anodized getting bowed.

I mean slightly but if you’re d-pad like me then you can barely move :sob:
