With the more recent addition to the #
help-me channel on the Hive’s discord server the hive has added commands to there discord bot so that they can respond quickly to players with preset answers.
For example, a hive helper may type something along the lines of (!CostumeList) and the hive bot will respond with

My suggestion is that the hive makes an accessible list of these commands to the public so if a player would like a response to one of their questions and a helper has not responded to them they are able to respond to themselves using these commands. This would also prevent getting inaccurate information, like what was happening before the hive changed it to only helpers been able to respond. I am not aware if anybody can currently use them, I’m assuming the only hive staff can but I’m sure that they would be able to change it. A cool down could be added for using hive commands by a player in order to prevent spamming.
More information:
Also this would allow other players to respond using these commands if someone else doesn’t know about them, like I said above preventing inaccurate information.
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This won’t be a thing because Hive would still like the staff to answer a player’s question to avoid inaccurate answers and confusion (even though helpers and mods can still give inaccurate answers sometimes). I also don’t think most people would know how these commands work.
Why would they need to respond to themselves if they would somewhat know the solution to their problem???
Also no way you have discord light mode on 
In response to the first thing you said, a player would be able to respond to someone else indirectly. They would see that the answer to the question the other person has could be found in one of the hive bots discord commands. They would be able to send this command in the high bought would respond to that player, this would keep an accurate information from happening because the information that I bought provides is already preset/pre-typed by staff on the hive. In a sense you couldn’t really tell that somebody else was answering them.
In response to the second thing you said if a player had a question such as “where can I get the link to the list of costumes on the hive” and they saw in the hive bots commands “!CostumeList” they would be able to understand at this command would answer their question. So if someone had a question and they saw one of the highest commands seeming to relate to their question even though they don’t know the answer they can type the command in chat and I bought will respond with the preset answer for them.
Heya! I understand what you’re saying but it wouldn’t really make sense for the following reasons.
- There are only so many questions the commands could cover, which would already be the FAQ’s in the pinned message in the #help-me channel.
- These prefix commands could be easily abused for spam.
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In response to the first thing you said, I do agree with you that there are some commands that provide the same answer in the pinned messages channel, however as the answer/command in my suggestion shows there are also command/answers that are not provided in the pinned messages, so they can get some answers from the pin messages however there are also plenty of answers that are not in the pin messages.
In response to the second thing you said I do agree that it could be easily abused but that’s why I suggested a cool down on the commands. It would be a similar cool down to the #
self promotion channel (only every 12 hours) this would prevent from people spamming it and if they didn’t give an accurate answer/typed in the wrong command they would only be able to do it once and a helper could delete it. It also wouldn’t make sense to the person asking the question and they would be able to tell that wasn’t the the answer to that question.
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I see what you’re saying but that would also kind of get rid of one of the points that you made before about staff being inactive. With something as long as a 12 hour cooldown questions could still go a long time before being answered.
I also think that, instead of adding a whole new commands system, The Hive could just add on to their list of FAQ’s (which I could totally get on board with because there might be some new questions that would be worth putting up there).
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The cool down would only be for non-hive staff, and it would be individual to each player. So the hive staff would always be able to answer it so if it took longer than normal it would be just the same as it is now. Except doing it this way would give an opportunity for the player to answer them self and have it be done faster.
In response to the second thing you said,
Just so you know in case you weren’t aware, the command system has already been implemented but only the hive staff can use it so they already have the commands and the responses all they’d have to do is adjust it so the players can use it and give the players a cool down, along with putting a list of the command somewhere. However if they don’t change it to the idea I suggested. I totally agree with what you’re saying that they should have these responses added to the FAQ section in the pin messages.