Coins Change Completely

Coin Balance Update

Coins should be completely changed in many different ways.

For one, blue and purple coins should only spawn 2 minutes in as an XP boost, not a quick way to get a bow.

Instead of a coin XP limit, there should be a coin limit in general so people can actually get coins without someone with 50 coins stealing them. On Remnants, coins should spawn faster. On Warehouse, more coin spawn areas.

I was with you until u said colored coins should give powerups, thats when I laughed and said no. Powerups should be restricted to specific parts of the map so that a murd has an easier time controlling the flow of the game. also, a coin limit isnt great bc people still need coins for powerups

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I Never Get 50 Coins So I Dont See The Point.

thats just a skill issue, 50 coin games are extremely common for most players when the murderer doesnt kill. If they did something to stop passive murds from wasting a 5 minute game then yea I doubt 50 coin games would be that common anymore.


They Already Low It Down To 20 For Muredres So It Means That I Get Killed B4 I Get 50. One Time I Got 42 Coins Tho.

Complete opposite way. If the game last that long to be able to collect 50 coins then you suck at being a detective to find someone that is acting weird, if they aren’t killing. Many people will also have a bow before you can even get 50 coins, so just find the one person without a bow.

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lol what

if u care about ur stats AT ALL then you cant just shoot a random inno not holding a bow and pray that theyre the murderer. sometimes its hard to tell which random npc noob is the murd bc theyre all walking into walls and dont know how to sprint and not holding a bow.

If ur shooting innos on a gut feeling that they might be the murderer without seeing them kill or thinking they just killed, then thats a massive skill issue

Passive murderers are a big enough problem that there are multiple posts talking about fixes hive could impliment to deal with them and they have some pretty respected murder mystery players on them.

Was an exaggeration for the purpose of the post

warehouse is perfect dont u dare try to change warehouse
(i just noticed u were trying to change warehouse)