Clear the tittle New from sky-kits duo

Clear the tittle New from sky-kits duo,
since it was added a year ago.
There is an another suggestion to this, but that was created last sprint, and no change.

yes, I’m surprised the hive haven’t already done this, voted :ballot_box:.


This is a dupe


I know, but that was created last sprint, and still no change

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So… bump it?

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Bump, the original topic was locked but the SW Collectors bundle and SW Kits still have the “NEW!” title.
or “tittle”

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A hive staff pls, stop it! it sais new to a thing that is more than a year old, the same thing with replay cinema: it sais: Brand new, disgusting, it feels like a scam.


Smh, false advertising? Not good

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