Idea: SG: Classic
Hi, former Hive Java player here,
I’d really like to see, even if its just a limited event, the old SG back on Hive, that SG version from Java before SG 2.0 and SG 3.0 were released. SG: Classic should aim remaking the OG SG version. It should contain most of the old maps like Condas, Catching Fire, Libertas, SG7, OG SG4, Phoenix County, Isla Del Rosa, Eau De Source.
I think it would be cool to show the newer generation of Minecraft players the legacy of The Hive which SG was the beginning of between TIMV and The Herobrine.
The PvP should mimic Java 1.7/1.8. I hope it’s possible to add PC only lobbies with fishing rod PvP. Obviously there should be cross platform lobbies too.
More information:
A small side note; it would be cool to plan this as a general “Legacy Update” to add SG: Classic, TIMV and The Herobrine to Hive Bedrock. I’d really like to play these games again. I want people to see how Hive actually grew so big and gained its reputation.