Clasic Skywars idea


With my opinion of interest there should be 2 seperate Skywars gamemodes. Not onlly PT.

There should be the normal skywars we have currently whin the server. And , a Classic type Skywars. What I mean by this is no prep time. No prep time. No ores. Onlly cheats. And new items like fire balls would be very useful for players. They should not deatroy blocks, onlly deal mager Knocknack.
Also onlly one tnt that’s normal. Just plain tnt but it lights up at moment of placement.

The changes ideas I gave were for the seperate Skywars gamemode. I do like this Skywars and it’s my most played mode on Hive. But I feel like the Hive Team tried to be ‘too unique’.

OG KUQ (Xbox)

If you wanna play classic Skywars, then play on a another server lmao

Their a bunch of classic Skywars game on other bedrock server

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Also, this is a duplicate, use the search bar next time



Hey! :wave:
Thank you :pray: for writing :memo: this suggestion! It is a great :+1: suggestion, however :point_up_2: this has been suggested :writing_hand: before. Please :pleading_face: use the search :mag: function to find :flashlight: the same suggestion! Thank you! :blush:

Duplicate Suggestion