Choose your partner in skywar duos

Choose who you want as a partner with a tap

(Sorry, I don’t know if this is already implemented, I really don’t know if it is in any options.) Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to choose your partner in skywar duos with a tap while you wait in the lobby? It would be like this:

You walk up to someone, tap them, and a menu or chat automatically appears asking them if they want to be your partner in Skywar Duos. As an option, you can choose “yes” or “ignore.”

I ask you to think about this option and invite you to propose a reasonable limit if you agree with this idea.
My suggestion would be that you can only match with someone 5 times maximum per day, whether it’s the same person or another, 5 times maximum. And if you have plus rank… well, a reasonable amount too.

-If this is already available, tell me so I can delete the suggestion, just don’t be cruel please.

So a quick way to party someone. You could just friend them and then invite them to the party, or just invite them to the party, and why just sky duos. I like this idea, but there you can just invite them to your party. Anyways, in the lobbies there it shows the stats of that player so there would have to be another way of activating this. I like this idea, so I will vote (:


Es que no me gustaría agregar de amigo a la persona, pero si me gustaria que, de manera rápida, invitarla de pareja en esa partida.
No me malinterpreten, no quiero parecer que no fomento la amistad.

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This is my response/está es mi respuesta:

This is an interesting idea, I don’t think anyone would be cruel to you if they didn’t like this idea. I will nicely vote for this topic.

Está es una idea interesante, no creo que nadie sería cruel contigo si no le gustara esta idea. Muy bien votaré por este tema.

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Pero no es mucho tiempo a invitiar eyos! Solo apretas la boton de party y la invitas y vas a jugar no es tan dificil!

Perdon si es dificil a leer lo por que yo no soy muy beuno a typar en enspanol!

And does the game match you with the person you choose when playing? Or is it still random even if you invite it to play as a friend? Excuse my question but I don’t know if it does. But what I’m saying is that this helps you match with the person without needing to have them added as a friend. That’s why I say it would have a usage limit, 5 times maximum. This way it would no longer be mandatory to add it to your friends list to play in pairs.


Como dijo @kingcjt98, es simplemente una forma más rápida de invitar gente a tu fiesta. Personalmente no siento que esto sea necesario.


1st of all why is everyone talking Spanish? and 2cond of all this isn’t a good idea because people with higher levels would get hunderts of team? messages.

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Talmar79, I have read your concern and I have a question:
Doesn’t the same thing happen when playing with friends that you added?
Additionally, I also suggested that there be a usage limit per day, 5 times maximum, I suggest. They could be more or they could be less, that in the end would be decided by the moderators to make it fair.

And, with great respect, I would like to remind you that the games do not last long. And if users with higher levels play, the games last less, because they make a massacre in a short time. Now, taking this into account, I ask you, how long do you think it will take them to finish a game if they choose to pair up themselves?

My point is, you wouldn’t have to worry about experienced players, as matchmaking wouldn’t be unlimited.

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Pero por que vas a quere a tener un persona que no es tu amigo y tambien es mas conveniente si tu solo las invitas oh, y tambien peudes solo invitar eyos por la username entonces no necesita acer tu amigo pero todo via necesitas la username de eyos entinces yo no sabo

Saludos, Blockbyblock98

Una pregunta hipotetica:
Supongamos que los administradores implementaran esta idea y que se pudiera hacer esto, ¿en qué te afectaría? Te leo


In english please?

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Translation here Talmar79
Greetings, Blockbyblock98
A hypothetical question:
Suppose the administrators implemented this idea and this could be done, how would it affect you? I read you

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Hmm beuno si casi nadie la use eso peudo a estar concididaro que fue desperdiciado tiempo aciendo lo

Tu peudes a pretar la boton reply que se ve como una flecha a acer un reply directa a la persona que queires a reply por que no savo quando tu me ases reply