Changes to the inactivity kick in bw

Make changes to the inactivity kicking program.

The program kicks people who are unable to escape certain areas, due to being stuck, or blocked in, even if those people are in fact in combat. I’m proposing a change that only kicks you if you don’t move/make any actions such as hits, mining, etc, if possible.

Specific example - During a game earlier, I ended up blocking in to get someones bed. Unfortunately, they had deepslate and I didn’t have a pick to mine it with. The opposing team was able to break the wood around me and attack me, making it nearly impossible to break the defense. Unfortunately, with the constant attacks, the inactivity program decided to kick me out while I was in the process of knocking someone away. I was unable to escape the wooden blockade I’d created around myself while being hit, an impossible situation that would have made an easy win. (My teammate did in fact win the game afterwards, yet I was unable to get any of the xp from it due to the kick)
I’m not sure how one would fix this, but it brings down the mood quite a bit when kicked because of something so small.

I believe changing the inactivity kicking program to register hits/mining would greatly benefit the game.

(Apologies if there was already a post similar to this)

Makes sense to me. You’re not actually inactive sp you shouldn’t be kicked.


ngl this is going to create even more trouble , since people are going to use auto clickers or macros to afk click

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Not really gonna cause anymore people to afk, it’s already super easy to spin in circles to not get kicked. Plus afking in any of the bedwars gamemodes are not worth it, mega was the only good one to afk on tw.


if they’re using autoclickers that should just be a ban, especially if its non stop clicking while they’re standing in one spot. do understand that tho, and yeah macro would be harder to catch.


i feel like tho if u just use an autoclicker set to like 20 sec then set it to lefft click u wont ever get kicked so maybe make it something else


Spinning or just walking every 20 seconds is just as bad, I don’t think this is encouraging this or anything.


I always lag or speand a while in the shop or get trapped so this would be useful!!

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This is a bug and is something we plan on fixing.