Change train and mailbot skin match the season

the train and your beloved mailbot will have a new appearance every new event/ season!

I Think the title gives it away already but I think it should change it design every new season/event. For example: Season: Spring, Mailbot has a hat similar to the flower crown hat and the train has lush green vines and flowers Around it’s passenger carts

This used to happen during the winter and I think the train and mailbot needs more attention.

As always, if you have feedback, suggestions, or things I could add to the post, comment them below!

Could you send an image of the new look Mailbot and the Train have? I haven’t seen it yet!


thats the suggestion, it hasnt actually changed lol


Oh. I thought he was telling me there will be a new look for both Mailbot and Train. Sorry :rofl:.

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There isnt a new look anymore but Mailbot use to dress up as seen here: