Change the just build skylight from blue to stainless glass

let me explain here,
on the raytracing beta, light is simulated like it is in real life. this means reflections across the water surfaces, light from far away cast onto mountains, etc.

the issue here is that i was playing hive on the beta, and i went to play just build. because of the blue glass skylight, and the fact the sun is pointed directly upward, i had an obnoxious blue glow all over my (and everyone else’s) builds.

im not an avid just build player, but the new xbox will be able to raytrace and more people’s computers are becoming capable of raytracing. there will likely be a point where a good portion of players play minecraft raytraced, and, the game focused on building will be the least satisfying to play in the most beautiful shader possible, ironically.

plus, changing the skylight from blue glass to plain would be extremely minimal and almost no one would notice. but it would be extremely noticeable for players playing the game raytraced.

so please, change the skylight from blue to stainless glass, for the sake of raytracing players.

Can’t you turn rtx off?

It wouldn’t really be fair for people who like the blue because not many people use rtx soooo…

Yeah but blue glass being normal glass isn’t that big of a difference


Yes but the build team shouldn’t have to do that tiny detail whilst they are building something else

like swarm bases!

Welcome to the Fourms! :partying_face:


like i said before, id think it would be an extremely minimal change that would have almost 0 impact on rtx off players, but a serious positive impact on rtx on players. would anyone actually notice if the skylight panels changed color?


no because barely anyone uses RTX because its so expensive to have on a PC

also welcome to the forums

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“because its so expensive to have on a PC”? problem’s yours if you are poor and likes to make ExCuSeS

anyways, this seems like something good and helpful for RTX users. take my vote and welcome to the forums @sup3r87!


Ummmmmmm who’s has 2k lying in their pocket?

Also I am poor

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But the point is that the series x will probably be able to handle raytracing, and so a larger portion of the playerbase will play with it on once it gets out of beta


Why not make that a cosmetic option?

That wouldn’t be able to work for voting though. Maybe for your own plot, but that wouldn’t be that useful

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