The amount of maps you can vote for was increased from 5 to 7 with the new UI update. It should be 6 instead to have all maps on one screen without having to scroll down (especially mobile devices)
This would also make it cleaner.
I believe one of our helpers suggested this. Splodger said; “Sadly not as simple as that, there would simply be weird unused space otherwise”
I think it possibly has something to do with minecraft UI (don’t quote me on that)
I’d still say 7 is a bit too much especially in Treasure Wars solos which only has 8 players each game. Maybe add a vote for random map option and add favoriting maps etc.
If having only six maps isn’t an option, I like the idea of having a random map option at the bottom instead of a seventh map.
I like having more choices for voting, this is kinda unnecessary.
The only reason for wanting more map votes is to be able to play your favorite map more often, and that sucks.
For example in Murder Mystery, Toy House and Office are very popular maps and I love it, when they aren’t on the list so I can play different maps as well (because the Hive+ double map power can’t defeat all the office / toy house voters.
You could just say “just add all the maps as an option for all the games because I like having more choices for voting” but that would be boring.
actually I really like variety in the maps I play, it will get very repetitive if its the same maps, I don’t have favorites, I just want more choices. and in the future more maps will be added anyways.
but I guess I see your point.
Yea when ur on mobile while scrolling u could click on the wrong map. Voted.
I did not know hive + votes counted as 2 that seems kind of unfair
They did pay 10 (US) dollars for the rank though…
It is still Better than people with rank choosing the map instead of voting.
I really agree with the idea of having less scroll and just a more scalable UI, it overall helps give it a better look.
And the map voting UI on mobile/tablet is painful, there are like 2 maps each row and each map takes like one third of your screen…
I’ll give a screenshot soon
change your UI size in your settings.
7 is just too much. I would personally want 5, but 6 fits the UI better.
bump, I was going to make a suggestion on this. I really feel like its unnecessary to have 7, so if its at all possible then it should be changed to 6. I bet theres a variable/number SOMEWHERE in the code, whether minecrafts or hives, that can change it. then they would just have to remove the scroll bar, and empty space unless thats automatic with the map ui function