Chance of becoming death

Chance of becoming a death (as in the murder mystery with the sheriff and the killer)
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I think it’s random tbh

I think each player has the same chance of being death at the start of the match.


Ye I think they do

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good idea bro

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I like this idea! Its a small change, but still good! Voted!

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I think this is unnecessary because who gets chosen to be death is completely random.

Why isn’t this a thing already :sob:

VOTED :pray:

Good idea but I think it’s unnecessary.
It’s just like telling you the chance of being a seeker in Hide and Seek.

Voted, maybe they should make you get increasing chance of being death, just like mm


@C4tH4ck3r Murder and sheriff is random there’s a chance you might get higher murder or higher sheriff and seeker and hider in H&S