Capture Thee Flag kits

(this is still being edited this was supposed to be a draft but I accidentally posted it)

I think the hive should add a new CTF Gamemode named “CTF Kits” this new Gamemode will have the exact same features and rules of classic CTF but except for these changes. Remove diamond sword, iron sword and iron armour, from the item shop as in this Gamemode the only way to get armour and tools is from the kits also remove instant tnt as it can be too op against some kits and it just doesn’t fit the vibe of this Gamemode. you can leave the upgrades shop as it is except remove block upgrade as some kits will an advantage over Archer when they shouldn’t. now time for the kits. :smile: as everyone knows there is a ten second countdown in CTF before the game starts. Now in CTF Kits during that timer you will be able to select a kit in a room that contains multiple entrances to pressure plates. at the top of the entrance will be the name of the kit when you stand on the pressure plate you will be teleported to your spawnpoint and you will be equiped with the items included in your kit and the game will start. If you don’t stand on a pressure plate within the time you will be equiped with a random kit and the game starts like normal. Now when you die you will be tped back to the room where you select your kit you may choose to select a different kit or go with the same if you have selected a new kit all items that are exclusive to the kit you were using gets removed, then you wait until you respawn and continue playing. if you don’t stand on any pressure plate when you respawn you keep your current kit and everything you had.

Here are some ideas for some of the kits:

Archer: Knockback 1 iron sword, iron armour, punch 1 bow, quick charge 1 crossbow 16 arrows, 16 arrows of slowness, 16 arrows of weakness, iron pick, 64 blocks of concrete, also has a 20% discount on arrows.

Warrior: iron armour with diamond chestplate, diamond sword, 1 golden apple, bow, 4 arrows, iron pick, 32 blocks of concrete powder, has a discount on blocks.

Wizard: iron armour, iron sword (all potions are splash) potion of regeneration, speed, turtle master, wither, poison slow falling, bow, 8 arrows, iron pick, 32 blocks of concrete.

Ninja: iron sword, chainmail armour permanent speed 1, splash potion of Blindness, power 2 bow 32 arrows, diamond pick, 32 blocks of concrete.(Make it the colour of the opposite team), has a discount on speed berries.

Healer: iron sword, iron armour, 3 golden apples, 3 splash potions of instant health 2, splash potion of regeneration 2, 3 of an item like the healing campfire in sg that gives regen to your self and teammates bow, 10 arrows, iron pick, 45 blocks of concrete, is able to buy golden apples for 50.

Tank: prot 2 Diamond armour, diamond sword, ten extra hearts, permanent slowness and weakness, iron pick, 16 blocks of concrete

Tactical Fighter: iron armour, stone sword, piercing 4 quick charge 3 crossbow, 16 arrows of slow falling, punch1 bow, diamond pick, 64 blocks of concrete, is able to buy slow fall arrow for 75 every 16 arrows.

Maybe no enchantments beside sharpness and maybe a bit more balancing. But I like this idea.
So voted


The kb on the sword for Archer is ideal as this would be more like an Archer thing to avoid melee and use ranged weapons. I feel like it’s pretty good it might be a little annoying tho.