Capture the flag kits idea

Choice list for kits•-•

(They dont remove current items but enhance them)

Archer > If right click arrow it cycles through [5 second] slowness arrows,poison arrows and [3 second] blindness arrows•-• used as a support option

The duelist > Spawns with diamond sword and chest plate[can add projectile protection]

The medic > Spawns with 30 second cooldown splash potion of regeneration and 3 golden apples

Can add more in comments but these will not interfere with current loadout•-• anywho ye think these will add a level of teamwork as well as be fun to experiment with what works

could also add the turtle > Water protection for attacking from below•-• bring back my ashram water glitch lol

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These kits seem way too overpowered to be added to a game like Capture The Flag, where not even diamond armour is available. Also, Capture The Flag just got a massive update, so i don’t see anything being added anytime soon.

These would become redundant after people buy items which happens pretty early on in game, aside from diamond armor which would be too op