Candy Cane Weekly Item.
I mean it’s in the title. The weapon I made today is both a weapon and a consumable. It would probably give you speed or just absorption. It would do 7.5 damage. (Let me know if you think that’s too little.)
(I did not make this skin btw)
Huge thanks to my friend who helped me debug this.
Let me know what you think!

or, candy cane = better gapple thoughts?
i really like that idea, it can do extra damage but save your life if you have to
maybe 8 damage but like 2x rarer than enchanted diamond sword so it has a cool purpose (7.5 is impossible i think)
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7.5 HEARTS???
That means that you can 2 tap someone with 5 absorption hearts with no armour.
he said 7.5 damage
for your information, that means it does 7.5 health (3.25 hearts) of damage to a no armor player, not 7.5 hearts no matter what
I’m a little bit tired rn so imma just go to bed lol
Maybe make the Candy Cane look more like a Grappling Hook?

Here’s an image! I got it from Roblox…
Yeah, that might be cool.
Well, it’s a candy cane, not a potato.
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But like the lashing potato but candy cane
Oooooooohhhhhh… I see now.
that sounds… way to OP XD
considering it can be re-used and allows you to basically stall going from one island to another the entire game, I dont like that idea XD
Maybe if it was as rare as a nemo and had a 50% chance to break after using with an extra 10% every time? Otherwise draws in skywars will be much more common (and who likes a draw you could very much of won?)
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