Can you stop generator sharing?

Or just don’t do duos, trios, or squads and play solo.

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this is why I don’t play tw without my friends

What’s worse, is that sometimes ppl wait at the gens long enough to get chainmail armor, instead of getting diamonds and emeralds to upgrade, and then get armor. And when this happens, its sooo easy to get crushed by rushers. And all the gold they collected? the rushers get it lol

1- play solo
2- ask if anyone wanna play tw while in lobby, mostly you’ll find better players to team with this way. you can also explain ur strategy to them while in lobby


But the current system is better than before, when the gen camper would get all of the gold


I just don’t like playing solo and I wanna get more final kills… I just feel like they should share the gold they get like they both get the same amount of gold.

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You already do get the same amount


Last time I played it would be like:
They got one gold, next one drops I get one, next one drops he gets it… and so on.

Yeah, so you both get the same amount

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I mean I would get every other gold. I want to share the gold so that me and him both get five gold when five gold drops.

Then it’s unfair for solo players, and it could be abused by people who sit at their base the whole game


Exactly! That’s what I’m tryna say

Huh. I was just explaining why that wouldn’t work, and you’re saying it would work


Wait now I’m confused…

People who join a game without a team mate would get less gold than the people who were splitting with a team mate

People could split their gen the whole game by camping, and get a huge gold advantage

I hope that’s more clear


Oh… ok. yeah. nvm…


For all of you that like the sharing system answer this. If player a gets on the gen get 5 and rushes, then player b gets his 5 gold, he still gets them 27 secs into the game, but player a gets them 12 seconds in. But if they both get on the gen and split assuming player a got the gold first, player b still gets his gold 27 seconds in, but player a gets his 24 seconds in delaying the whole team’s productivity. Normally when I rush, people are still waiting for their 5 gold because of the splitting thing. This is definitely an issue and should be fixed as it doesn’t make newer players get their gold quicker, but rather delays the whole game, and gives parties an advantage so solo queuing is no longer fun


I agree there is a problem, but you didn’t give a solution. I only want it to stay the way it is because there’s no easy solution, but I think we have the best one

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Good math and thinking! :0

Tyyy anyway I just suggested things go back to the way they used to be

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But the thing is that before, player b could get on the gen for extremely long amount of times, and player a couldn’t get any gold until player b was done, so they’d have to wait for more than 35 seconds, assuming that player b didn’t camp until they got 32 gold for endstone like most gen campers do

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