Can we put a stop to snowball spammers

Well you should git gud
Practice and make a strategy to get to mid first, and as Wishe7 said, join them! And you become the annoying one, which also means you won’t get annoyed anymore

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yeah bro if you think the snowballs are so overpowered then just use them yourself

It’s almost like the fish, it’s annoying ash when you get killed by it but when you actually get it it’s insanely fun. At least for me.

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In my opinion, I see this more a a rage comment then a helpful. (No offense) Snowballs have almost always been used that way, you are pretty much asking to ban the people that do it which is half of the community. How in what way do you mean by this forum? Also, fighting people on a bridge is almost the worst idea on your part you don’t know if they have a bow or snowballs. I think you will be able to pull through and figure out the best way to win :smiley:

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Literally just get good

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Agreed bro

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All you need is a pearl and blocks just pearl to the bridge and make a quick block off. It always works in treasure wars/sky wars

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people already answered this question sorry, you didn’t need to bump it