Can’t dig the block that your team is standing on

Some times others in my team just dig the block I’m standing on that make me fall.


Hey there!
I’m personally not sure if this can be done but this does falls under the rule “Intentionally obstruct or sabotage your own team” as seen on
The Hive - Gameplay Rules.

Feel free to report them to Moderator or Helper here on the forums or head over to the official Discord server [here] to file a report along with the games replay ID. :grin:


Actually, they’re probably comparing it to CubeCraft. CubeCraft has a system where you can’t break a block if one of your teammates is standing on it, and they’re probably suggesting something like that.


Ah I see. Thanks for the clarification!

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Yup, happy to help :+1:

same, btw welcome to the forums! :hearts:

Yes,I thought it is a good way.

Yes,I thought it is a good way.

Thanks guys.

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They should add this bc I have lost count how many times I have died in skywars bc of one of my teammates wanted to sabotage me and break the block under me causing me to fall into the void