Build Categories

Hey everyone! As you may know, Just Build is a very unique minigame. First of all, it is the only minigame set in Creative mode. It is also the only minigame with a fixed runtime. You know what I mean by that. Finally, it’s the only minigame without a voting feature. As in, voting for maps. There are no maps here but there are themes.

Voting for themes has been suggested a lot and every time it’s been denied. I see why. Variety. People choosing things they’re good at. But this isn’t that. This is a compromise.

There are a whole lot of themes in Just Build. Being able to vote from a random pool of themes sounds nice, but it’s flawed.

But what if the themes were organized into categories that players could vote for?

Here’s an example:

There are 12 themes. Pizza, Autumn, Video games, Pandas, Minecraft, Fast food, Hive, Spring, Summer, Penguins, Nether, and Dogs. The 12 themes are organized in the following categories:

  • Food - Pizza, Fast food
  • Seasons - Autumn, Spring, Summer
  • Gaming - Video games, Minecraft, Hive
  • Animals - Pandas, Penguins, Dogs
  • Minecraft - Minecraft, Hive, Nether

A theme can be in more than one category.

Several categories are randomly selected from a pool and appear in a voting menu. The category with the most votes is chosen to be used. When the game begins, a theme is randomly chosen from that category.

Animals won with 3 votes!
Picking theme…
The theme is Dogs!

This feature would give players a little bit of control in Just Build games.

Came up with this idea a few weeks ago but couldn’t suggest it until now for obvious reasons
Edit I forgot to change the three to a several for some reason


Thats such a good suggestion!

At the moment you just get assigned one of so many themes. I see a lot of players who leave the game and re-queue after the theme is displayed simply because they don’t know how to build it (and yes I do that too)

With the voting system, everyone could choose a build category. Some players can build some things better than other things and so could vote for a category.

In addition, there would also be the possibility for Hive+ players to use double vote power, which is currently not possible in Just Build.

But there should be 5 categories to choose from as there are currently over 100+ themes.


Holy cow. 200iq. I don’t see any reasons why the hive can’t accept this.


Big brain scissors at it again


I like the general idea with this. I’ve always thought that you should be able to vote for two categories: Minecraft related, or non-Minecraft related. But I think that this makes a bit more sense.

I love this idea (as someone who is a die hard believer in Just Build supremacy). Something like this, as well as maybe a bunch of new themes would be great in terms of making Just Build a much funner game to play for everyone


This is a wondeful idea! There’s so many things that it could be and having some way to possible vote on what you might get would be super fun I might even play it more then

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Maybe different categories have different just build backgrounds

(or maybe thats a bit too much to ask for lol)

It would help in other ways too!
Sometimes i dont know meaning of some words ,by checking which category they fall in, i can atleast build something related to it!

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this sounds like an very epic suggestion. it would be very cool to vote for a build theme category, although maybe there should be a vote random category option for players who don’t know what to choose?


The three that I wrote down was supposed to be for the example but I forgot to change it

Most of the themes suck anyway and are no fun to build I would almost want a full rebuild of the themes and topics because building a doghouse or popcorn for 10 minutes isn’t fun. And yes please we need to be able to vote for themes

I totally forgot that I made this suggestion thanks for the bump

Could you make a post that ISNT saying the hive themes suck? I can understand making one constructive post but 2 TOPICS and 3 COMMENTS is a bit excessive, don’t you think?

Hive is the only server with a good build battle and I’m trying to make it better. For me I could care less about anyone else

So actually make constructive criticism. Don’t just say “make newer topics yours suck”. This reminds me of the people that make topics saying “just get good anticheat”. Like COME ON they’re trying. Just actually try and be a good community member and TRY TO BE CONSTRUCTIVE

I told them how to fix it I said have more themes that are open to interpretation so that every build is dident and unique and each is special. their are currently very few themes that check that box

Ok cool. So why did you flame them about it? You could’ve just said your suggestion and went on with it

How much flaming did I really do I said SUCK I said their themes suck which they do that’s as far as I went

“I can insult hive all I want because I payed for something”