Hey everyone! As you may know, Just Build is a very unique minigame. First of all, it is the only minigame set in Creative mode. It is also the only minigame with a fixed runtime. You know what I mean by that. Finally, it’s the only minigame without a voting feature. As in, voting for maps. There are no maps here but there are themes.
Voting for themes has been suggested a lot and every time it’s been denied. I see why. Variety. People choosing things they’re good at. But this isn’t that. This is a compromise.
There are a whole lot of themes in Just Build. Being able to vote from a random pool of themes sounds nice, but it’s flawed.
But what if the themes were organized into categories that players could vote for?
Here’s an example:
There are 12 themes. Pizza, Autumn, Video games, Pandas, Minecraft, Fast food, Hive, Spring, Summer, Penguins, Nether, and Dogs. The 12 themes are organized in the following categories:
- Food - Pizza, Fast food
- Seasons - Autumn, Spring, Summer
- Gaming - Video games, Minecraft, Hive
- Animals - Pandas, Penguins, Dogs
- Minecraft - Minecraft, Hive, Nether
A theme can be in more than one category.
Several categories are randomly selected from a pool and appear in a voting menu. The category with the most votes is chosen to be used. When the game begins, a theme is randomly chosen from that category.
Animals won with 3 votes!
Picking theme…
The theme is Dogs!
This feature would give players a little bit of control in Just Build games.
Came up with this idea a few weeks ago but couldn’t suggest it until now for obvious reasons
Edit I forgot to change the three to a several for some reason