Bug at MM Quest « Use 3 teleporters »

Affected Service (Game name, hub or global):
What was affected : MM Quest (Use 3 teleporters)

What is the bug?
Explanation of the bug : On the map Spaceship (haven’t checked Manor). the quest « Use 3 teleporters », the quest only counts the first teleporter you use. All the other ones don’t count. Thisbug was patched (I think) some time ago, but now it’s still there.
I highly think that the number of teleporters don’t impact this bug. Any quest that needs you to use teleports will get bugged imo.

Screenshots and/or video:
Screenshots of the bug, if it applies :

How to reproduce:
Pick the quest « Use 3 teleporters in MM », then a map that contains teleporters. Use 1 teleporter. It will normally count towards your quest. Then use another one, it will not work.

Thanks for the report, this is due to a configuration issue and will be fixed with future quests.