Buff the Skywars Border Damage

We already take damage in the border but sometimes it isn’t very effective especially when the player outside the border is underground and can find redstone, gaps, and books for heals So here is a 3 phase system to mitigate that

Phase 1
After 5 seconds of being outside the bounds you will start taking 1 heart of damage per 2 seconds

Phase 2: after 1 minute of this you will get 3 hearts taken away per 2 seconds

Phase 3: if all else fails after 2 minutes you will be immediately killed\

Also the border will close in quicker for underground players

this is just making hiding more difficult the game already does the first phase


But i completey ignores armour its already difficult!!

Just heal and you’ll last longer than intended that’s an issue


So, you want to add Storm Surge to skywars?

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Yeah pretty much

I think they should add skybasing to Bedwars and increase play height by a good bit to be honest. Just imagne the suffering.

And then you run out!!!