Bring Back Ghost Invasion

Back in October of 2019 there was Ghost Invasions. I realy enjoyed playing it but never got the max level. Maybe, hive could bring back Ghost Invasion but re-name it and give it a non-halloween feel. i havnt got a clue what i would be called but it would be a cool idea.

Ta ta for now :slight_smile:,


Welcome to forums!

Unfortunately ghost invasion is LTM game only and i dont see it coming back before Halloween.
Maybe for some special event or for a special day it might come back but its less likely. :slightly_frowning_face:


Ghost invasion fell off in popularity extremely quickly after release, so I don’t see it coming back before halloween


Hive also lost popularity too bc of the skin thing

that isnt true


I’m pretty sure Hive reached it’s peak after the skin update(I could be wrong about that). Regardless, 17k players is still very good

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aww :frowning: anyways, i hope the could at least consider bringing it back, even though it probably wont happen

They made the game available back in 2018 too. I’m guessing it’s just a Halloween specific game, so it’ll probably be back this Halloween.


I think he means around the 1.13 era, The Hive lost popularity, which all servers lost popularity due to having critical issues that hurt the experience.

Og post XD
Btw what is ghost invasion exactly explain please

Ghost Invasion is our version of infection. There are two teams: Humans and Ghosts. The goal of the game depends on your role.

Humans must defend themselves from the spooky ghosts. To do so, you are given a Ghost Zapper. Punching or using the Ghost Zapper will fire a beam of intense energy that will vaporise any ghosts it comes in contact with.

Ghosts must infect all the Humans. Punching will cause you to “pop” 3 seconds later. When you “pop”, a cloud of Ectoplasm will burst from you. Any Human that comes in contact with the Ectoplasm will be turned into a Ghost - joining your team.

The game is won when either all the Humans are infected, or the Ghosts have run out of spawns. Ghosts are limited to 100 respawns per game.


Ghost invasion is really fun, it’s one of those games that can be played for hours on end without becoming boring :ghost:


That seems really fun
I wish I could play it

I just wish they’d do the Halloween stuff before the month ends as soon™ is never a good thing to hear


they’ll release it by christmas


I agree, Ghost Invasion is really fun and will most likely be coming later this month, but as a more permanent version, it could be added as a murder mystery gamemode. I know they’re working on an update for the game right now, but if they added an infection mode it would sort of fit the theme. Just an idea


Sadly Ghost Invasion is no more :sob: :sob: :sob:

It’s coming back with the halloween update, unless something changed