Bridge: No Build Zone on the Entirety Island

Basically the Opposing Team built a giant wall in order to prevent my team to enter the Hole. This is very annoying and unfair. And if I’m not mistaken, this is against the rules because it Prolongs the game.

So I suggest that aside from having a no build zone on top of the Hole, why not extend it on the whole Island?

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Just go around.

This has happened to me a ton of games while playing the bridge.

And to be the honest, it’s not that much of a problem because it is very easy to avoid and counter.

That is pretty easy to combat. Just tower up and bow the enemy or build a wall defense if you’re good enough at blocks. Hopefully this helps

Let’s just say stethoscope strategy :slight_smile:

Just go around bruh

Also someone didnt like me saying “Happy Hiving! :wave: so im not gon do that.

The bridge gamemode is very different. In a solo game, it would be strange and a lot of time wasting if someone came together an built a wall (Donald Trump is that you?!)

However in duos, its an entire different story! When I play duos, I normally rush to the other persons goal while my teammate stayed and defened by building long thick walls to help prevent the enemy from getting close to the goal.

There is an issue with your suggestion though. Even if there was a no build limit set in that area. Players would start building their walls on the bottom of the stairs! This would be really be even more annoying as imagine going around the wall and have to wallrun up some stairs. Now that would be annoying.

As to when your topic title says No Build Zone on the Entirety Island that would be even more painful as players would then attempt to defend by using a method called “Spawn Blocking” which they make a wall at the start of the bridge on your side preventing you to get up forcing you to do one of the following:

  • Go around it
  • Mine through it
  • Give up on your hopes and dreams
  • Accept you have lost
  • Become very annoyed

And im telling you, that would be 100x worse D:

However this is my personal opinion.

(btw its kinda useless to cover the playernames as they are shown in chat)


you could just go around its not that hard

we can’t go under it
we can go around it
we can go through it
we can go above it

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this is a basic bridge strategy called hippoing.