The Bridge has some really unbalanced kits that are in need of a revamp. At the time of writing this I'm #4 on wins and #1 for games played. I really enjoy bridge but the kits just aren't fun, between the insanely strong leap, relatively balanced snowballs, and useless golden apples it's safe to say the kits aren't all they could be
The Launcher
This item would replace the leap feather and would instead launch the player up about 7 blocks. The leap feather is currently used to completely skip pvp and mindlessly run at a base and it ruins the whole point of the bridge. It makes crossing mid unimaginably easy the only way to stop it is to either void the moment it's used, hit someone while their using it which is almost impossible for new players, or use leap and completely skipping pvp and make the game who can block spam faster.
What the launcher would instead do is instead of skipping pvp you would instead use it to quickly get past obstacles without having to build. With this item you wouldn’t have someone mindlessly leap past you in pvp and ruin the whole fun of the game. There would still be times where you could skip pvp like this, but you will have to plan around being able to launch past someone by building bridges higher up so you can jump to them this would also make it possible for newer players to see and counter it and would fix leap being the only kit choice for anyone not at the top level.
Healing Capsules
I couldn't really think of a unique name for this one. The main problem with golden apples is when eating them you lose a lot of time which means the enemy gets that time to make progress on you, and for that time you lose you get a very little buff almost useless since you're enemy will probably just build past you while you're eating. What this would instead do is instantly heal you about 5 full hearts this would allow you to take about 2 more hits more per capsule you use this would allow you to be a tank in fights and shouldn't be overpowered as they are easy to use up with you only having 2 this would allow the kit to be competitive with the other kits.
So… what’s the suggestion here? The title says “Revamp”, but the actual post says nothing about a suggestion for a revamp, and seems to be just a complaint.
Sorry about this I’m working on the post with edits I didn’t think it would instantly post and thought I could see previews of it I’m working on writing the post I’m sorry for any confusion this made I didn’t mean to post it instantly
Looking at it now, it does seem pretty balanced. I’m a leap main, and on account of my absolute dogwater pvp skills, i mainly use it to skip across. But the example you have shown makes it balanced while still making it useful. Voted!
I think there are alot more kit opportunities hive could work into the bridge to make it more fun (and some changes too, like how instead of gapples u should get a spellbook like skywars that has the same effect and they should make leap tap-to-use for mobile players, for example). Here are a few ideas
a Back OFF! kit with a 1 use kb nemo who’s bow is enchanted with punch 1
a builder kit with a diamond pick and an autobridger like in skywars kits
a Tank kit with an iron chestplate and a shield
a Trickster kit with a spell of invis similar to the item from sw kits
a potions kit with a splash pot of speed2, strength2, and jumpboost2
a Vince kit where instead of the normal bow u get a crossbow with multishot (starts loaded obviously) and possibly an iron sword depending on balance
I’m sure there are many more kit ideas (like a spider kit where u get some webs and can climb walls, or a pyro kit where u get a fire trail book and ur bow has flame) but idk how to balance those
I completely agree with the premise of this suggestion that bridge needs a whole revamp.
In terms of balance this would be a lot better. My one concern is that this would likely invalidate all previous bridge speedruns, but that shouldn’t be top priority anyway so it makes sense to add this.
I agree with blue-bird here. My pvp skills were, well……”what is pvp”. I think if they made the golden apples more like how soup pvp worked, where the healing is instant, but mabye no resistance effect, that would work. And I do think that the “launcher” is more balanced because it can be useful to get up onto the highest bridge OR to clutch, but it wont throw you all the way across the map.