new weekly item bridge boots
[when you right click it summons a block ]
but this may be to easy for cluthing so if u are falling from 4 blocks or higher it doesnt place
[anyways i think this would bring total chaos i mean it would be fun to see in skywars]
nah this is wayyyy too op you could cancel combos easily and clutching is way easier than you think, 4 blocks is a lot!
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Just wanting to make sure I understand. So the item is boots, like armor? So you’d be wearing it, how would you right click it? Right clicking an empty slot in your inventory?
Either way, I’m voting. Sounds super cool! Can be easily balanced too! If it’s an armor piece, it just has to be leather, chain, or gold. Or it could work like the chorus fruit, taking health, but won’t ever kill you.
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So like hover boots or feet bridge placer this could cause CHAOS in CSs
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ye its kind of like a potion effect except they run out of blocks
this could get you false banned from the anticheat cuz it looks like you were scaffolding (A modification that allows you to place blocks under you even if you arent looking at them)
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Pretty sure they could code around that (I know I could) but yeah I feel like this is a bit too OP.