Brand new spider kit!

Spider Kit:
-Start off with three special cobwebs (different item than a normal cobweb)
-Begin the game with a cobweb bow as well (again, different than a normal bow)
-Gain one special cobweb or a poison when you get a kill

Note: Okay so just gonna get this downpacked, no, the cobweb bow is not for shooting cobwebs at you. The cobweb bow is basically like a modded fishing rod that can pull players towards you, but you can’t pull them towards you without a cobweb or cobwebs.

Kit Scenarios:

  1. Someone’s trying to get a cheap kill on a bridge which is stalling the game, so you use the cobweb bow to yank them towards you
  2. Someone starts running away at low health, so you pull them towards you so you can finish the kill

I like the idea but it seems like it could get annoying sometimes. Maybe start off with 5 regular cobwebs, one-time- use fishing rod, and a cobweb boombox?

Also, you mention the bridge but the topic is labeled “SkyWars kits.” Is this talking about both games or just one?

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Just sky kits, they mentioned bridge as the thing you build to another island in the game.

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(Yeah, what @DaWhadurMonz said.)

I’ve already thought about the cobweb thing and realized it’s too overpowered. You see, the reason why a lot of people don’t think of how OP this would be is because cobwebs aren’t used much in PvP. Actually, I might as well just make an entire list on why this’d be strange.

-A normal fishing rod has doesn’t involve spiders at all
-Having a fishing rod that can only be used once could be useless since if you miss one time, that’s a useful feature down the drain
-Imagine trying to fight someone that just keeps placing you in cobwebs, or uses a boombox to trap you even more cobwebs. It’d take like 4+ seconds to get out, and using a sword would barely help.

  • True, could have a texture change or something
  • I was thinking that a fishing rod could be kinda annoying in game, so I decided 1 time use could be enough. Maybe 3 time use would be good but idk
  • Yeah that’s why I only said 1 boom box and 5 cobwebs. You can already get cobwebs in game so I don’t see how it would really change too much

Would be cool if the could climb walls like spiders, voted! :blush:

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