Bow master kit

**Disclaimer ** There have been many bowman kit ideas but mine I think has a unique twist that will make it worth it

A bow master kit that starts u off with bow and 2 arrows

U will gain 2 arrows after each kill

Special ability eye of the hawk
Use this and it will make you’re next arrow do 4 damage

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No, because eye of the hawk is far too op if its a 1 shot even like 5 hearts is too much, so I disagree.

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To make this more balaancable I suggest that maybe eye of the hawk also lowers you’re health down by 2 hearts PERAMENTLY also thanks for you’re opinion!

Then it would be too bad, it’s like here you go I 1 shotted you now I’m permantly at a disadvantage

No it wouldn’t 1 shot it could take away 4 hearts

lol just make it so you get a power 2-3 bow at the start and remove “eye of the hawk”

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Thanks but it’s just supposed to be a 1 use thing to not make it op

that makes it even worse lol
it’s like take away 4 hearts for a short period of time
but then you have 2 hearts less forever

Actually it won’t take away you’re hearts it’s just as op as going invisible or surviving THE VOID


the concept is nice but you’ve framed it really badly, sorry

every kill giving you 2 arrows is kinda useless since iron is the most abundant ore in most of the maps with gold. bows are found in the spawn island chests, ender chests and they drop from mystery chests as well. iirc i think you get them from gold ore as well, so the whole point of getting a normal bow would make the kit really unpopular

eye of the hawk is just weird lol, hawk??? what relation does a hawk have?
it’s not a minecraft enchantment as far as i know and 4 hearts is way too much considering a full charged bow deals half a golden heart to a player with full diamond armour.

how do you active eye of hawk?? how long does it last? the nerf you mentioned to it is also weird, why would you lose 2 hearts for something that is a guaranteed one shot kill? will it lower your golden hearts or regular health?

frame the whole post better please thanks

i will attempt that


Items Recieved:
Power 2 Bow
2 Arrows

4 arrows granted after every kill

Eye of the Hawk
Hawks have sharp eyes (@ItzChaosHere fgs have you never watched Avengers?), but that doesn’t matter because this ability makes your next arrow do 4 hearts of damage. One time use.
(this sucks lol idk why its here)

tbh i dont like it still


There’s no power 2 bow either so it’s even more underpowered

more than normal people ;;-;;
again i dont see the relation between a bird and a bow

same <3

hawk see good
hawk sharp eye
hawk can good aim
bow need good aim
hawk-like eye good at bow pewpew

thank you for reading my incredibly knowledgeable and intellectual lecture

2 edits question?!

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