BlockDrop: Solo Towers

A BlockDrop: Solo Towers is a gamemode of BlockDrop where each player has their own individual tower. These towers would be smaller than the regular towers, seen as only 1 player occupies them. Its the same premise as normal BlockDrop- last person alive wins.


No XP changes from regular BlockDrop apart from 10XP = 150 blocks broken is replaced by 2XP = 30 blocks broken.

Hub Title

I am aware you don’t usually get rewards from specific gamemodes, but I suppose this can be different.
For reaching 100 wins in this gamemode, you receive the hubtitle “Solo Speedster” in purple and light blue. You also still receive the usual cosmetics for hitting max level.


There would be a powerup exclusive to this gamemode. The teleport powerup! This powerup would enable you to go to another players tower and sabotage them for 6.5 seconds. You will have the darkness effect while at another players tower AND if you die at the other players tower, you simply get sent back to your own. This powerup has a 1/200 chance of finding.

That is my idea. Hope you liked it! :smile:

Ooooh. This could be interesting. Although the only thing is, there should be a spot where you can shoot a bow or smth so that it isnt just based off of luck in the powerups


I think I’ve seen this idea before… Let me go find it.

Edit: I couldn’t find it. I could swear I’ve seen this before but since it doesn’t seem to exist I’ll vote here. :man_shrugging:

What do you do if you’re already max level and can’t grind this specific gamemode?


Good point, I could change it to amount of wins in said gamemode?

1 Like

This could be cool as a limited time game mode or some kind of ranked version for Block Drop! :smile: I would love to see this added in as it seems really fun! I think instead of sabotaging someone else for 10 seconds it should be 5-7.5 seconds instead, you can really do a lot of damage in just 10 seconds :sweat_smile:



Im sorry for being so harsh in the past, I’ll try to be nicer…

This just wouldnt be fun.
If the game is just about falling the slowest, it would be incredibly boring. The best strategy would be found in hours, and everyone would be doing the exact same thing.

In extreme cases, ping could be the only thing deciding the winner.
If you were to add powerups to the game, they would either be

  1. Completely, fully unfair
    If the powerups were random it would be fully luck based
  2. Still Stale
    If the powerups were the same for everyone, that means no variety.
    This is the better choice out of the two, so long as
    they differ each round, but it still would be very boring.

Maybe there could be multiple small platforms with two players, then the survivors of those sub-games duel, and so on and so forth?


Thank you for your honesty. Some of the problems you found are in normal BlockDrop, but the individual tower does remove most strategy (in terms of eliminating other players)

I do really like your duels idea though, could I maybe add it to the post?


Absolutely! I mean, there are a few flaws, like having to wait for other players to finish before proceeding, but it is an interesting idea for sure!


yeah agreed


Just wanna say, If you agree with a post but have nothing to add, just like it and move on.


I agree that is definitely what you should do.

Don’t click it ruins the joke.

Liking a post is a good way to show that you agree with it, but I think it is really a matter of phrasing. For example, you could say “Yes, I agree.” or you could say “My thoughts exactly! I think the above post perfectly summarizes the way I feel about this topic.” Both of these statements mean the same thing, but one is more likely to be called out/flagged than the other.


why did you edit it so many times in one minute lol


To craft the perfect Hive forums reply.


Well back on topic…

I swear i’ve seen a post like this before. But anyway, i do like this idea so i’ll vote.

I’ve also heard of this idea before! But the last one wasn’t from alf, so what’s happening here…?


Ok maybe I’m not just misremembering…


Perhaps you were thinking of this.


bump blockdrop NEEDS some love