BlockDrop: Power-Downs

Hey! As you’ve read in the title, this post is suggesting to implement power-downs into BlockDrop.

The minigame already has power-ups, which guve the player an advantage, but what if they also gave a disadvantage?

Here are a few ideas:
• Slowness Power-Down (5s)
● Knockback Power-Down
● Blindness (3s)
● Level Deteroriation (3b/ps 3s)
● Blocks Break Faster (5s)

You would be able to tell between a Power-Down and a power up because the text colour of the timer would alternate between green and red every second, instead of being just green.

Thanks for reading! :smile:

If you can tell the difference then why would you choose it? I personally would rather not have negative powerups unless it is a CS option, ik that case it sounds fun.


Its an alternates, meaning that if your making fast decisions you might miss it. You also might just not notice it in the first place.


It would be very frustrating though for it to spawn on top of you as well though


True, but thats very unlikely to happen.


I don’t really like the idea of a power up down giving you a disadvantage,
all of the disadvantages seem cool but instead I’d rather see them as powerups to be used on other people. things like slowness, blindness, and fast break would be throwable at people, and the level deterioration could be a throwable poison bottle that deteriorates a small area


I think this dupe

That would be alot more fun for the person receiving the item, but for person getting splashed it would be very annoying (or atlesst less than if you did it yourself.)

Also @Blockbyblock98 could you please link the original suggestion if this is a dupe?


There is Nockvack Nemooo

Might help for games with multiple skilled players, since many times it’s “first to get knockback Nemo” and this could help end that faster


I think this idea has potential, but requires more polishing around the edges. The abilities need some kind of specification on how they effect people and what particularly they do. Perhaps instead when someone gets a power down it effects others or the environment in some way shape or form when used as an item, this would make it tempting to use but also with the negative intent like the suggestion holds to.

Edit: A recurring issue I’ve noticed is that these Powerdowns by wording would effect the person who picks it up, therefore some of then would never be something people would want to pick up.

I’m not sure what kind of place Slowness would sit in this community, as there are some pros and niche cases where it can be positive but also cases where it can be egregiously negative as well. For it to be true negative the effect would have to be powerful and that would have it’s own basket of issues, starting with the power scale and the effects it poses on the player(s) and environment.

I’m not quite sure how this works for a Powerdown as by interpretation this powerdown either knocks the person back with contact or gives an item to knockback someone else (which already exists). Perhaps instead make it launch players on your floor 3 or 4 tiles in the air like a shockwave.

I think this works fine, but affecting the person who picks it up would mean this Powerdown would never be used. This could be something that affects the players on the same floor you are standing on.

This is a cool idea, a slow deterioration of a current platform for X seconds. I would want to say though that the decay shouldnt instantly break the block however but break it as if a player was walking over it, this way players have time to react to the tiles disappearing. This effect could affect players on the floor above you, if there is no floor above you, then it affects the floor you are standing on.

I dont think this one is necessary as it already exists as a safeguard for people who are afk or stand on the block too long. There could be the possibility of making it instantly breakable but the type of blocks used and the speed the player moves by default would render this impossible sadly (It would make the Energy Drink usable in a niche case though).

You also probably dont need it to flash red and green but just let it sit at red so then players can differentiate.

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Yes sometimes i crouch to cover less blocks to last longer