Block Party's Custom Colors

Hello dear reader! My name is zachary5149 and I have been playing Block Party for… well let’s just say it’s been a long time! I couldn’t be happier that Block Party is finally out and I cannot wait to see it develop as time goes on! I have so much I want to discuss and I would like to start by offering a video for people to watch instead of reading my thread!

YouTube Video Link: A Comprehensive Review of Bedrock Block Party - YouTube
(You can also search “A Comprehensive Review of Bedrock Block Party” by zachary5149)

Suggestion #1: Custom Colors?
The floor of every map you play on is made of custom, unchangeable colors. I am not sure as to why, but for those who utilize resource packs to change the look of colors to better suit your eyes, I believe either adding a “custom colors” feature that either lets you use Hive’s custom blocks or not (or just replace the custom colors with another block type) would be a step in the right direction

as someone who is colorblind, I love the colorblind option. but it still doesnt help the fact that its hard to look at the symbols far away and the colors will always stay close together and hard to read for me, (I have the Deuter type, Red-Green or to be specific Deuteranopia as well with some other colors because of natural vision problems.) i would love to make my own color palette aka custom colors for certain blocks, like more saturated colors or just colors that will already seem to stand out when using it with the regular colors. I would totally think this is a great idea! you have my vote! Don’t forget to vote for your own topic also!

Note: I do think on the colorblind option, they should make the symbols more dark or brighter as they blend (to me at least) too much in with the color and should stand out more. thats just another thing i wanted to point out that was a problem on block party, could be me though.
edit: I just played a game of block party and the symbols on the colors are fine… its just me not remembering what they look like!

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Honestly props to you for playing this game colorblind. It’s awesome to hear :smiley: