Block party - errors in color names

Affected Language:

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
in game/color names

Affected Text:
Светло-синий,Голубой,Сиреневый, Лайм

Suggested Text:
Светло-синий - Голубой
Голубой - Бирюзовый
Сиреневый - Фиолетовый
Лайм - Лаймовый

Explanation of Issue:

I am based on the official translation of minecraft.
The blue color is rarely called “Light blue” in our country. Where blue is used now, it is actually called turquoise. The purple color was called lilac, although lilac usually has a pale purple hue. Lime just forgot to put declension.

Screenshot of the affected text:

Голубой - Бирюзовый

Светло-синий - Голубой

Сиреневый - Фиолетовый

Лайм - Лаймовый

Hey there,

Thank you for submitting translation improvement suggestions.

I have gone ahead and implemented all of these changes.

Have a great day :slightly_smiling_face: