Block Party Elimination Idea

Currently the closing stages of a block party games strategy is just whoever has the most color teleporters wins, which is kind of rng/luck based.

A power up to add is a “Musical Chairs” power up, basically when activated, the last person to touch the specific color shown is out. This is also one of those powerups that can kind of be a high risk high reward type of thing in the late stages of the game rather than the color teleporter battle.

It’s hard to explain without some sort of visual concept and it might seem complicated but I’m pretty sure the staff can cook it up anyways.

Vote asap if this sparks interest.

Uh what
Wdym if a person has more teleporters they win… isnt the game supposed to be standing on the color block as quickly as possible until the last person standing wins?

The musical chair idea doesn’t seem that fair of an idea. Would be too op imo.

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In the last 5 rounds (20-25) its literally a game of seconds, its basically whoever has more color teleporters wins because the other person would most likely die unless they also have a teleporter.

It’s not op considering there is ways to even it out, if possible the rarity can be increased and/or its availability during a specific time.

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Ok well not that much rounds played last up to the last 20-25 phases of the game.

I still don’t see the main point of the musical chair, its not like the games take too long. Even if it is worth good rewards, I still don’t think this could be added.

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I’d still add it because it fits the theme of block party anyways, and usually the pc games go pretty far unless you’re also on pc and are seeing different results.

I’m suggesting it especially for the late game because that’s where its pretty rng based


Majority of games I play / see are 21+

Though I also don’t think this will be added. I think there are better alternatives to reduce colour teleport battles from happening

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