Block meter system?


In the game pvz heroes, theres a block meter system whereby whenever the hero takes damage, it will cause the block meter to have 1, 2 or 3 sections filled, and once the meter is completely filled, the hero will block the attack . So i was thinking, maybe that could be a thing in skywars, since both games has pvp in it, It will be represented by a blue bar with 10 or maybe 15 sections above the health bar

Theres no set amount of times of getting hit to take in order for the block meter to fill, but once a certain amount of times getting hit has reached, there will be a 4 to 5% chance of either one or two sections filled. However the block meter will only be filled once and there will be a 6hr cooldown or maybe a 24hr cooldown in order to trigger the block meter again.

When the block meter is completely filled, the player will then block the attack from the opponent they are fighting with with a notification saying: “(Player’s name) has blocked the attack!” The block meter then empties out and the player is able to take dmg again

pretty much its like the shield in minecraft but with rng

forgive me i miscalculated everything

this is a little too low imo, considering that if you were to get hit 15 times you’d only get 1 bar filled 14% of the time, and 15 hits usually means death

if it were to be implemented, id place probability at a nice round 10%, which instead promises an 80% chance of receiving at least one bar after 15 hits (which is arguably a fair improvement, since again, 15 usually means death)

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I completely agree with Holy Potato here, this is way too low. Maybe boost it up a bit?

I changed it to maybe 4 to 5%