Block Drop cs tranlation bug report [German]

Affected Language:

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Block Drop (custom server → Serversteuerung (Use) → Spieleinstellungen → Zeitgesteuerte Ebenen-Verkleinerung)

Affected Text:
Ob die oberste Ebene entfernt werden soll

Suggested Text:
Oberste Ebene entfernen
Oberste Ebene entfernen ein/aus

Explanation of Issue:
In German, such sentences usually don’t start with an “Ob”. This just makes the sentence sound like a question, which is more or less the case here, but it still sounds a bit strange.

Screenshots and/or video:

Thanks for submitting a translation suggestion!

Whilst I understand the reasoning behind your suggestion, after discussions with our translators, we have decided to keep the string as it is, to avoid introducing any ambiguity.