Better ways to locate supply drops

The lightning is a step in the right direction, but there’s a problem with it: No matter the render distance (at least for me) the lightning won’t load unless you’re like 50 blocks away from the lighting strike. Even if it was about my PC, what about the people who have to have their RD low or they’ll have like 1 fps? Here are some better ways to execute supply drop locating.

  • Trackers: These would probably be the most useful way. A simple tracker everyone spawns with, can be found in chests, or given to everyone when a supply drop is announced to drop. The tracker would point to where the supply drop is, making it easier to locate. No one wants a supply drop to go to waste

  • Blocks away: Near your hotbar it tells you how many blocks away. People would try and figure out which direction, and they would be progressing towards it. Don’t have much to say here

  • Coordinates: I haven’t checked if coords have been added yet, but in case they ever do here’s something that can be done with them. The coordinates of the supply drop would display with the announcement, and everyone with a simple understanding of coordinate planes would have an easier time finding out where the drop is.

These are just some simple suggestions, thank you for coming to my ted talk

I think we’re asking for too much. I think lightning is enough. Just memorize the possible drop places.


I think this idea would be the best. My render distance is very low to avoid some lags so, sometimes I don’t see the lightings, I need to be like 75 blocks away, and supply drops are very useful to have good stuff.