(My last post could not change the category, so I reposted it.)
[ 1 ]
Affected Language:
Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Murder Mystery
Affected Text:
Suggested Text:
Explanation of Issue:
The word “殺し屋” means “a person whose profession is to undertake murder for money from a client”.
The word “殺人者” means “murderer.”
Screenshots and/or video:
[ 2 ]
Affected Language:
Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Murder Mystery
Affected Text:
Suggested Text:
Explanation of Issue:
In both cases, the meaning of the letters remains the same, but the proposed word is more optimal.
Screenshots and/or video:
(I didn’t include it because I can only post one)
[ 3 ]
Affected Language:
Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Murder Mystery (Other games included)
Affected Text:
(PlayerName) 人をキルしました
Suggested Text:
(PlayerName) をキルしました
Explanation of Issue:
The word “人” is not necessary.
Screenshots and/or video:
(I didn’t include it because I can only post one)