‘Beeing’ able to get the Java Ultimate rank bee costume.
More information:
~As most people may know- Hive Java is shutting down along with the fall of the bee costume. Only obtainable when you buy Ultimate rank, you would get the costume on bedrock though.
~I feel that It shouldn’t fall with Hive Java!
Okay Okay hear me out:
~Hive should make it to where the costume is obtainable in bedrock, but the way you would be able to get it is to pay big money for it.
~Like Half the Ultimate rank cost or even the full rank cost so that it is rarer to see in-game.
~Make this a costume for bedrock as we do not have an actual bee costume!
cool idea I have only played on the Java Hive once so don’t really know bu they can just add the costume for 310 minecoins as all there costumes are that price, just a suggestion.
they could just add it to Hive plus as they want to make hIve plus better, or it could be a free costume to accounts that migrate to microsoft accounts.
Currently there’s no plans to introduce the “Bee Costume” that’s obtainable on Bedrock by purchasing the Ultimate rank on Java. This is simply because it would take away the specialness of it as it was only exclusive to those who had purchased the rank. The same concept would also apply if it were able to be purchased.
I highly disagreed with this suggestion, I’m fine with the alternative bee costume idea, but rereleasing the Ultimate Bee Costume through a alternative method would be unfair to Java Players, since they only got Hive+ and The Ultimate Bee Costume.
And some of them already own Hive+ Beforehand.
so I think the Ultimate Java Bee Costume should stay a rare, just like some of the costumes, like Black Cat, Groundhog, or Snowman Costume.