Affected Language:
Simipfied Chinese
Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Bedwars solos, Chinese name for aqua team
Affected Text:
Suggested Text:
Explanation of Issue:
I previously made a suggestion whereby i mentioned that the current translation could be called 浅蓝色团队 that got accepted was wrong as when i changed the language in game back to English, it showed as “aqua team” which was different from 浅蓝色团队 that meant “light blue team” instead. So i had to make a new translation report instead
Anyways, 浅绿色团队 means light green team. However there is no light green team. Chinese name for aqua is given wrongly, specifically the ''绿" part cos that character means green. Therefore aqua team in chinese needs to be renamed to 水蓝色团队, which reflects correctly to the english name as 水蓝 means aqua which is correct to the english name
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