BedWars Season 3 Idea

I heard that BedWars Season 2 is like a water/ocean theme idk if its true but I have an idea that can be used for any season: A Space theme :smiley:

There will be some new maps: Planets, which changes the planet every week, satellite being like a well, satellite style, and Constellation, which has different stars as planets and an interesting middle :smiley:

You will get a special bed topper or hub title if you max or have maxed Gravity during this period, as it is also space themed, and there could be a new BedWars themed map to connect the two!

Another interesting idea for it would be to remove all gained XP the player gets if they do not get a kill or do damage to an opponent so AFK players or runners cannot get the XP they very much do not deserve.

The max level will also increase to 75 or if not 100, depending on whether levels get added to Season 2.

Possible rewards: (so far)
55 β†’ Mercury Bed Set
60 β†’ Venus Bed Set
65 β†’ Earth Bed Set
70 β†’ Mars Bed Set
75 β†’ Galactic Bed Set
Hub Titles:
53 β†’ No Beds In Space
62 β†’ Moon Launching
69 β†’ Across the Solar System
71 β†’ Amethyst Spender

(Things purchased from challenge board shop: Jupiter Bed Set, Saturn Bed Set, Uranus Bed Set, Neptune Bed Set, Blastoff hub title)

There will be some new challenges, currencies, a new mode, and new items, so here is what I have:

Space Launcher - like a wind charge but more kb and does some damage, but MUCH less then the fireball. (1 amethyst)
Yeeter - replaces the dory, does same kb but gives the player levitation for one second, before stopping. This could mean better clutches, or the enemy taking damage before fighting. (4 emeralds)
Moon Turret - an upgrade to the turret for 10 diamonds, works like a mini fireball doing 20% of the fireball damage but 2x slower then the regular turret. Cannot break deepslate or higher. (10 diamonds)
Amethyst Blade - 8 attack dmg
Does +1 more damage every five minutes inactive (not in use) resets when used (5 Amethyst)
Amethyst Arrow (2 Amethyst for 4 arrows)
Deals 2x damage and a small extra amount of knockback, also sets the opponent on fire for 1 second

Spawns in Moon Craters every two minutes, requires a diamond pickaxe to mine and obtain. Can spawn at base for 3 amethyst, spawns every 30 seconds.

To the stars! - Use the Yeeter item 75 times
Making moons - Upgrade the Turret 50 times
3… 2… 1… BLAST OFF! - Use the Space Launcher 100 times
The rarest - Spend 500 amethyst
HOUSTON WE NEED WATER - Deal a total of 100 fire damage from amethyst arrows
Thats enough finals - Final kill 100 players using the Amethyst Blade

(note that the other challenges might reset or increase/decrease. these are just additional challenges)

Amethyst horder - spend 10 amethyst
Enough yeeting - Use the Yeeter 5 times

BEDWARS MODE: Alien Attack
2 teams (like mega) - astronauts and aliens
Astronauts do less damage but have better defense
Aliens do more damage but have worse defense

:bed: BedWars (ALIEN ATTACK)

Kill - 3XP
Final kill bonus - 10XP
Destroying a bed - 30XP
Win - 50XP
Draw - 25XP

(these may change but these xp gains are just my opinion for now :smiley:)
Anyways, that was my ideas for the new season!

Welcome to the forums and what a banger to start with


Thanks for welcoming me and voting :smiley: if you have any suggestions please let me know and the reason I thought of this just now is because I had this idea before but not as planned out but I just got my account now so yea :+1:

I love the idea and the fact that you did not just ask for bw season 3, you gave ideas!! Welcome to the forums, Voted!!

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welcome to the forums! this is THE BEST first topics I’ve seen ever! amethyst would be very good in the hive, actually, but i’m not sure about mining it.
also, is ur profile pic boomerang fu?



Man, this is probably one of the best first idea/post a user has ever done on here.
This is a great idea! Voted!

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Yes my profile pic is boomerang fu :smiley:
Maybe it wont be mined, But I figured having it be mined so that they don’t stack so early leading to chaotic games, and also so the diamond and iron pickaxe can get more love and hopefully less deepslate users :skull:
Might be smart to make a gen for it, but only if there can only be a maximum of one per gen

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I really hope so lol
until S2 is released tho you can call it a season 2 suggestion


They are probably almost done with season 2 so they won’t be accepting any season 2 ideas that are created now.

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It says in progress so maybe they started and im HOPING they did by now, hopefuply the one by the other person comes for season 2 :slight_smile:

I have another idea for it
Maybe an item that shoots levitation for 1 second (3 uses)
Would be cool to start combos maybe for like 1 amethyst since you could put them above you so they cant hit you. It would be like a splash effect. :smile: >:)

Maybe a space cat that floats around in space and if you catch it flies away and might give you something

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