Bedwars ranked/unranked

hive should add ranked and unranked in bedwars. it would be better bc some people start this game and dies in 1minute and then they leave. pros should play in same rank.

this would be good at skywars too.

I’m pretty sure this is a dupe. Also, all this would do is split the playerbase, making it harder to get into games. This is why Bridge Solos does so horribly nowadays. SBMM absolutely butchered it and made it hard to get into a match. I don’t want that for BedWars.


I agree maybe wait for BW to come out and make more ideas later for The Hive to add to BW.


Ranked BW would be fun

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This will probably be added anyways, since we have SBMM, they’ll most likely added to Bedwars. I would love ranked Bedwars, and it would provide new challenges for me.
But I also agree with LightKnight5742, SBMM was what butchered The Bridge, but if they do something different than SBMM, it might be better!

A ranked mode to me still just seems useless. What the outcome would likely be is either no one plays it (Reasons being long queue times or being overrun by closet cheaters) or it ends up splitting the playerbase in half, making queue times even longer. Not just that, but it lowers the chances of PBMM being enabled for longer, leading to more people on different devices being pitted against each other, leading to unfair matches.

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